Aktualności prawne

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    Nowa koncesja potrzebna na obrót paliwami ciekłymi z zagranicą

    Poland: Obrót paliwami z zagranicą wymagać będzie w Polsce odrębnej koncesji i znacznych nakładów finansowych na zabezpieczenie majątkowe. Istotne zmiany w ustawie Prawo energetyczne weszły w życie w ostatnich dniach. Zgodnie z nowymi przepisami obrót paliwami ciekłymi z zagranicą wymaga od teraz odrębnej koncesji. Będzie ona wydawana jako dodatek do


  • Aktualności

    Latvia can take a leading role in commercial arbitration in the Baltics

    Latvia: The success of commercial arbitration -  the resolution of disputes outside the courts - is changing the way companies view litigation in the Baltics. The success of commercial arbitration  -  the resolution of disputes outside the courts - is changing the way companies view litigation in the Baltics. Over


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    Defining a ‘pyramid scheme’

    Lithuania: Rulings from Lithuanian and European Courts. The Supreme Administrative Court in Lithuania has recently delivered a judgment crystalizing and elaborating the definition of a ‘pyramid scheme’, in line with recent judgment of the European Court of Justice. These refer to an alleged pyramid scheme whereby clients contributed a payment


  • Aktualności

    New preferential tax treatment zone to be established

    Belarus: Establishment of the China-Belarus industrial park “Big Stone” Presidential Edict No. 326 adopted on June 30, 2014 “On establishing the China-Belarus “Great stone” industrial park” has finally settled issues regarding establishment of a new preferential tax treatment zone in Belarus. In particular, the following tax privileges are granted to


  • Aktualności

    Electronic tax return

    Czech Republic: Since 1 January 2014 already, legal entities and a certain subset of natural persons have been obliged to file their VAT returns electronically Businesses in the Czech Republic are required on an increasing scale to use electronic means of communication in their interactions with government agencies and authorities.


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