Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    CIT return changes

    Lithuania: Changes to corporate income tax return increase control by tax authorities. In 2014 not only has the Law on Corporate Income Tax (CIT) changed but also enactment of the Order of the Head of the State Tax Inspectorate No VA-76 of 12 September 2014 has set in place new


  • Aktualności

    Powszechna płaca minimalna w Niemczech

    Niemcy: Od 1 stycznia 2015 roku na terenie całego kraju będzie obowiązywać płaca minimalna w wysokości 8,50 euro za godzinę.   Obowiązkową płacę minimalną wprowadziło już 21 z 28 państw Unii Europejskiej. Najniższe miesięczne wynagrodzenie w tych krajach wynosi od 174 euro (Bułgaria) do 1 921 euro (Luksemburg).


  • Aktualności

    New Act on Medical Aids

    Czech Republic: After years of wrangling, a new Act on Medical Aids has finally been passed in Parliament After years of preparation and discussions regarding a new law for medical aids, and regarding the changes to existing legislation which it would necessitate, the Medical Aids bill was finally approved by


  • Aktualności

    New transaction form requirements

    Lithuania: A new requirement to notarize all significant share sales-purchases, bills of exchange and cash loans enters into force as of 2015. In September this year the Parliament adopted a new requirement to notarize certain transactions: Sales-purchases of shares in private limited companies when:More than 25%


  • Aktualności

    Execution, Transylvanian-Style?

    Czech Republic: On 10 January 2015, a new Regulation on jurisdiction and on the recognition and enforcement of judgments comes into force across the entire European Union Having been in force for almost 15 years, Regulation 44/2001/EC (also known as "Brussels I") will be abolished and replaced by Regulation (EU)


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