Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    Slovakia: Contractual relationships during the pandemic. How to react and how to protect yourself in the future?

    A brief overview of the influence of force majeure on contractual relationships in Slovakia.  In the current situation, created by the coronavirus pandemic, some entrepreneurs are literally forced to switch to online sales in the interest of economic survival. In this case, extended consumer rights must


  • Aktualności

    How to simplify distance contracts according to the Czech Civil Code

    What are the options for distance contracts, how can you simplify the distance method of entering into contracts, and what should be agreed in the contract in this context? Conversely, what usual contractual arrangements can complicate distance contracts? Restrictions on the free movement of people, the closure of borders and


  • Aktualności

    Zamieszanie w najmie komercyjnym w galeriach handlowych

    Wprowadzone przepisy dotyczące najmu lokali w galeriach handlowych nie rozwiązały problemów, a wręcz zrodziły kolejne. Wprowadzone przepisy dotyczące najmu lokali w galeriach handlowych nie rozwiązały problemów, a wręcz zrodziły kolejne. W związku z pandemią większość sklepów w galeriach handlowych niezwiązanych z zaspokajaniem podstawowych potrzeb zostało zamkniętych. Wprowadzone ograniczenia w prowadzeniu


  • Aktualności

    Slovakia: Measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus are slowly being relaxed

    A brief overview of the details and rules for the gradual opening of establishments in Slovakia.  The relaxation of measures, including the opening of establishments, was divided into four phases. Phase 1 was launched on 22 April 2020. In view of the low number of new


  • Aktualności

    Hungary: After the virus

    What changes in labour law and the labour market should we prepare for? The end of the coronavirus is not yet in sight, but we can be sure that this is a transitional period. In Hungary, extraordinary labour law rules were introduced due to the state of emergency. The greater


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