Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    Romania: UBO declaration

    The deadline for submitting the declaration on the ultimate beneficial owner („UBO declaration”) has been extended!


  • Aktualności

    Czech Supreme Court confirms that the protection of the family household enjoys the highest priority

    The protection of the family household takes precedence over the protection of the good faith of third parties in the disposal of real property in which such a household is located.  Family, parenthood, and marriage enjoy special legal protection under the Civil Code. One way in which this principle manifests


  • Aktualności

    Negotiations via videoconference – the legal practitioner’s point of view in the Czech Republic

    In recent days, we have again reverted to frequent communication (and negotiation) via videoconference. But what are the legal aspects of this way of communicating? In recent days, face-to-face conversations in meeting rooms have again been replaced by conversations over the phone or – more frequently – in the form


  • Aktualności

    Is the new manner of calculation of vacation in the Czech Republic really more equitable?

    A much-awaited amendment to the Labor Code has changed the rules governing the vacation of employees. The main objective of the lawmaker was to ensure a fairer way of calculating vacation, and fairer terms for taking vacation. What are the new rules that will apply come January? Summer, and


  • Aktualności

    Romania: Electronic Archiving

    Electronic Archiving of Documents by Companies in Their Own Name Today, companies increasingly favour the use of documents in electronic form, so that digitalization of day-to-day activities is becoming an imperative.Under


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