Aktualności prawne

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    Personal liability despite English Limited in Germany

    Germany: With the end of the Brexit transition phase, the possibility of using the legal form of the British company in Germany with legal certainty ended. In the past, British companies, such as the so-called Limited, which were founded in Great Britain but primarily operated in Germany and were


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    Nowy rok – nowe ważne zmiany w ochronie konsumenckiej i prawie pracy

    Polska: Niektórzy przedsiębiorcy zostają objęci ochroną konsumencką, rośnie płaca minimalna i powstaje obowiązek zgłaszania umów o dzieło. Przedsiębiorcy częściowo objęci ochroną konsumencką - wraz z nowym rokiem osoby fizyczne prowadzące działalność gospodarczą w niektórych przypadkach będą traktowane tak samo jak konsumenci. Nowelizacja kodeksu cywilnego i ustawy o prawach konsumenta zakłada, że


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    Belarus: updated travel restrictions against COVID-19

    The Government of Belarus has updated restrictive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 Anyone arriving in Belarus from COVID-19 infected countries for 10 calendar days from the date of arrival: • must stay in self-isolation at home;• cannot cross the State Border


  • Aktualności

    Belarus introduces ban on leaving the country

    A temporary ban on crossing the state border of Belarus for exit comes into force in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 infection   From 21 December 2020 Belarusian citizens and persons who have a temporary or permanent residence permit in Belarus are not


  • Aktualności

    State aids for companies in Latvia hit by Covid-19

    Latvia’s government offers support mechanisms to companies affected by the Covid-19 crisis. With winter upcoming and the second wave of infections on the rise, the Latvian


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