Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    New employment register

    Estonia: As of 1 July 2014 all employment must be registered at the Estonian Tax and Customs Board. On 1 July 2014 amendments to the Estonian Taxation Act came into force. These require that all persons whose activities can be considered as working in the broadest sense must


  • Aktualności

    Changes to pharmaceuticals distribution regulations in Belarus

    Belarus: Establishment of the Eurasian economic union will significantly influence pharmaceuticals distribution regulations in Belarus The agreement establishing the Eurasian economic union enters into force on 1 January 2015. The Agreement provides for establishment of a common market in pharmaceuticals and medical products in Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan and Armenia (the


  • Aktualności

    Alternative remedies at the international level for Hungarian banks in foreign currency loan related cases

      Hungary: Before the economic crisis in 2008 foreign currency loans became widespread in Hungary. Banks typically provided long-term loans in Euros or Swiss francs but repayable in forints. As a result of the crisis the forint became significantly weaker and at the same time loan providers started


  • Aktualności

    Labour Code amendment on temporary assignments

    If adopted, the proposed amendment will bring several changes in the field of temporary assignments from 1 January 2015. The new regulation proposes to set the maximum limit for temporary assignments at 24 months. A repeat temporary assignment can only be arranged for a maximum of four times during 24


  • Aktualności

    Acquisition of real property from the non-owner?

    Czech Republic: Cadastral records will provide assurance of good title as of 1 January 2015 The new Civil Code has strengthened the mirror principle which applies to entries in the cadastral record, by assuming the accuracy of these entries; this in turn improves the legal position of transferees acquiring real


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