Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    Changes to the procedure for receiving foreign donations

    Belarus: Foreigners should take into account some crucial features of deals with Belarus residents. Under previously established rules, goods or money donated free of charge to Belarus residents, as well as interest-free loans and contributions by foreign members to Belarusian non-profit organizations, are considered as foreign donations and


  • Aktualności

    Nowa forma czynności prawnych – dokumentowa

    Polska: Równoważna formie pisemnej, ale mniej sformalizowana forma dokumentowa ułatwi zawieranie umów. Nowelizacja Kodeksu Cywilnego stanowi reakcję na wzrost znaczenia komunikacji elektronicznej oraz powszechną praktykę zawierania umów w ten sposób. Od jakiegoś już czasu sądy akceptują ten sposób wymiany oświadczeń woli i traktują je jako ekwiwalent dla zwykłej formy pisemnej.


  • Aktualności

    Supervisory board – employees of foreign daughter companies are counted

    Germany: When setting the composition of a supervisory board, employees of foreign daughter companies must be taken into account. Under German law, employees must send representatives to the supervisory board if a company has a certain number of employees. If the number of regular employees is more than 500, then


  • Aktualności

    Mandatory energy audits for large enterprises

    Hungary: Energy Efficiency Directive implemented in Hungarian legislation. Energy efficiency targets of EU The aim of the Energy Efficiency Directive is to establish a common legal framework to promote energy efficiency within the European Union. This means achieving the Union’s energy efficiency target of


  • Aktualności

    The Public Procurement Act and European Union directives

    Estonia: Changes to the Public Procurement Act will solve many practical public procurement issues. In 2014, the European Parliament adopted three new public procurement directives. These give Estonia until 18 April 2016 to implement them, so the Ministry of Finance is working on a draft revision of the Public Procurement Act.


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