Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    Industrial Property related Dispute Resolution Procedures changed

    Latvia: Legislative amendments aiming to speed up resolution of industrial property related disputes enter into force. An industrial property (IP) related legislation package including a new Law on Industrial Property Institutions and Procedures is in force in Latvia as of 1 January 2016. The new package is a result of


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    Ważne zmiany w polskim prawie pracy

    W dniu 22 lutego 2016 r. wchodzą w życie zmiany dotyczące umów na czas określony – jednych z najbardziej popularnych umów o pracę. Do tej pory zasady dotyczące czasu trwania umów na czas określony nie były nigdzie wprost określone. W praktyce umowy na czas określony, które miały z samej definicji pełnić rolę umów


  • Aktualności

    Licensing simplified

    Belarus: The procedure for licensing certain types of activity changes with Presidential Decree No. 475 of 26 November 2015. Under new amendments, perpetual licenses will be issued for all activities which require licensing. Additionally, licenses valid as of 28 November 2015 from the due date will not be extended. Another


  • Aktualności

    Notaries alleviate debt collection

    Lithuania: New Amendments to the Notarial Law create preconditions for easier debt recovery from 1 January. As of 2016 Notaries may affix enforcement clauses to notarized transactions that give rise to monetary obligations. The enforcement clause allows direct access to the bailiff. This novelty benefits creditors, who can now avoid


  • Aktualności

    New Contract Register Act

    Czech Republic: Will mandatory disclosure of contracts, invoices, and orders improve management of public funds? On 1 July 2016, the Contract Register Act will come into force. This has been designed to allow a broader circle of persons and institutions to participate – if only informally – in public oversight


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