Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    On the new public procurement rules

    Czech Republic: New Public Procurement Act does away with the often overblown formalism of previous times On 9 March 2016, the House of Deputies passed the bill for a new Public Procurement Act, which is set to replace the current Act on Public Contracts and the Concessions Act in their


  • Aktualności

    Spotkanie grupy bnt Industry Regulatory w Bonn

    Nasi eksperci dyskutowali o regulacjach dotyczących wyrobów medycznych, prywatnym dochodzeniu roszczeń w prawie konkurencji oraz zagadnieniach zamówień publicznych. W dniach 14-15 kwietnia 2016 r. członkowie międzynarodowej grupy roboczej bnt Przemysł i Rynki Regulowane spotkali się w Bonn, aby dyskutować o aktualnych zagadnieniach w dziedzinie regulacji prawnych rynku farmaceutycznego, zamówień publicznych


  • Aktualności

    Tax information duty

    Czech Republic: The information duty pursuant to Sec. 57 of the General Fiscal Code applies to almost everyone Pursuant to Sec. 57 (1) (d) of the General Fiscal Code, all taxpayers are obliged to cooperate with the tax administration as requested by the latter - a duty that is nowhere


  • Aktualności

    Types of shares in limited liability companies

    Czech Republic: On the various types of shares in limited liability companies and the limitations of right and obligations vested therein. Until the end of 2013, shareholders were not allowed to hold more than one share in one and the same limited liability company. Moreover, it was not possible under


  • Aktualności

    Termination of the 2nd pillar of the pension savings scheme

    Czech Republic: 1 January 2016 saw the coming into force of Act No. 376/2015 Coll., on the termination of the pension savings scheme, and Act No. 377/2015 Coll., on the amendment of certain laws in connection with the passage of the act on the termination of the pension savings scheme.


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