Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    Occupational health services

    Does the latest amendment properly reflect real-life needs? An amendment bill to the Act on Specific Health Services was on the agenda of the legislative council of the government in the first week of May this year. According to the explanatory memorandum for the bill, the proposed changes should reduce


  • Aktualności

    The SICAV in the light of the latest amendment to the Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds

    Czech Republic: Will the amendment to the Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds make the domestic fund business even more attractive? An amendment to the Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds is set to come into force in June this year, which will introduce a host of interesting


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    Kryzys konstytucyjny w Polsce

    Polski rząd nie respektuje i nie publikuje orzeczeń Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. Kryzys konstytucyjny w Polsce rozpoczął się po ostatnich wyborach parlamentarnych jesienią 2015 r. Nowo wybrany Sejm przyjął uchwałę uchylającą wybór 5 sędziów Trybunału Konstytucyjnego dokonany przez poprzedni Parlament i dokonał nowego wyboru. Prezydent wywodzący się z partii, która wygrała wybory,


  • Aktualności

    New rules for cross-border posting of workers

    Do you post workers abroad? Do you employ posted workers? Watch out, you have new obligations. In November 2015, the Slovak Parliament adopted Act No. 351/2015 Coll. on cross-border cooperation in the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services (“Act”), thus implementing Directive 2014/67/EU of the


  • Aktualności

    Work on Sundays – Prohibitions, rewards

    Hungary: On the short lifetime of the Act prohibiting work on Sunday and simultaneously on the amendment to the provisions on the Sunday premium It has been roughly a year since the entry into force of the Act prohibiting work on Sundays in the retail sector. The regulation intended to


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