Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    Czy Agencja Nieruchomości Rolnych zacznie przymusowo skupować polskie spółki?

    Od maja 2016 przepisy gwarantujące pozostawienie polskiej ziemi w rękach rolników ograniczają transakcje fuzji i przejęć spółek. 30 kwietnia 2016 weszły w życie przepisy, które wprowadziły dla państwowej Agencji Nieruchomości Rolnych prawo pierwokupu udziałów i akcji w spółkach będących właścicielami nieruchomości rolnych. Ich zastosowanie jest bardzo szerokie, bo nieruchomościami rolnymi


  • Aktualności

    Changes to new Labour Code

    Lithuania: new Labour Code changes even before entering into force. The new Lithuanian Labour Code (the “new LC”) due to come into force on 1 January 2017 has already been amended. The Parliament decided to exclude from the new LC so called “zero hours” employment contracts, which had caused much


  • Aktualności

    Major reform in EU customs law

    Latvia: Latvia is affected by the new EU customs codex as an EU member state. For example, changes concern customs procedures and implement IT. The new EU customs codex, in force since 1 May 2016, thoroughly reforms EU customs law. This is reflected in Latvia, where the Customs Act entered


  • Aktualności

    Simplification of procurement in construction

    Belarus: From 1 January 2017 to 1 January 2019 new rules will be in effect on selecting the procurement procedure in construction. Conditions for procurement of goods, services and work for construction financed by the private sector have been significant simplified by Decree no 380 of 20 October 2016. In


  • Aktualności

    New Rules for Awarding Public Contracts

    Czech Republic: New law in force from 1 October will also have impact on pending procedures The new Public Procurement Act assumes that tender procedures which started before 1 October will be brought to completion under the current Public Procurement Act, as will potential later reviews of those tender procedures.


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