Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    Labour Code amendment passed. How will it impact employers?

    The amendment of the Labour Code introduces several changes from 1 May 2018. Among them are wage surcharges for work on a Saturday and a Sunday which will be introduced in two stages, and also an increase of certain wage surcharges which are already included in the current Labour Code, specifically for


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    Legal framework for blockchain technology in Belarus

    Presidential Decree no 8 of December 21, 2017 "On development of the digital economy" introduces significant improvements for development of the IT industry in Belarus. The Decree allows legal entities to store tokens (cryptocurrencies) in digital wallets, to create and place tokens in Belarus and abroad through residents of High


  • Aktualności

    A success in a dispute does not automatically mean full compensation for procedural costs

    This is according to a decision from the Slovak Constitutional Court. This decision applied to a case where plaintiff sought settlement of co-ownership of real estate. The transfer of the ownership share to the defendant was not disputed, but the parties were in disagreement about the compensation


  • Aktualności

    What is important to know about custom-made medical devices?

    Some specific rules to be observed when placing custom-made medical devices on the EU market Custom-made medical devices (“CMMDs”) are defined by the Medical Devices Directive (“the MDD”) as devices specifically made in accordance with and under the responsibility of a duly qualified medical practitioner's


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    Ważne zmiany dla przedsiębiorców wpisanych do KRS

    Polska: Od połowy marca wchodzą w życie zmiany w ustawie o Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym oraz innych ustawach – rewolucyjne w wielu aspektach. Rok 2018 przynosi spore zmiany, jeśli chodzi o funkcjonowanie podmiotów wpisanych do KRS, a zwłaszcza spółek handlowych. Ustawa z 26 stycznia 2018 r. o zmianie ustawy o Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym


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