Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    We helped gain EU citizenship in the post-Brexit era

    This is a true story about a 21-year-old UK citizen from London, who wanted to work as a ski instructor in Austria and Switzerland in the season 2021/2022.


  • Aktualności

    UBO Update: Lithuanian transparency register starts work after a two-year delay. What needs to be known?

    On 1 January 2022, after a 2-year delay, the first part of the Lithuanian transparency register was activated. Initially, Lithuanian companies that only have natural persons as shareholders can and must report their beneficial owners to the register. It is expected that in May 2022, Lithuanian companies with legal entities


  • Aktualności

    Ułatwienie w podpisywaniu dokumentów sprawozdań finansowych w Polsce

    Polska: 1 stycznia 2022 weszła nowelizacja ustawy o rachunkowości, która wprowadza uproszczenie zasad podpisywania dokumentów finansowych.


  • Aktualności

    Lithuania: What management decisions may require the approval of the general meeting?

    The Supreme Court of Lithuania has ruled on the division of competences between the managing director and the general meeting of shareholders.


  • Aktualności

    Lithuania: Wage payment in cash no longer possible

    Amendments to the Labour Code stipulate that wage-related payments must be made only to the employee's account.


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