Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    How to enforce your claim outside the court: try a notarial deed

    Slovak law provides a wide range of options for creditors to secure their claims. In particular, guarantee, pledge/mortgage or contractual penalty are frequently applied. Given the long-lasting nature of lawsuits, creditors tend to secure their financial claims, such as loans, by applying the concept of acknowledging the debtor’s obligation before


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    Register of ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs): slowly but surely

    The UBO register in Lithuania is due to start functioning in 2019 and it is now time to make the necessary arrangements. Following implementation of EU Directive No. 2017/1371, as of 1 January 2019 every legal entity established in Lithuania must “acquire, update and store” information about its UBOs and file it with the


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    Znaczące zmiany w przedawnieniu roszczeń

    Polska: Skrócenie terminów przedawnienia od 2018 r. Od 9 lipca 2018 r. zmieniają się utarte od lat zasady przedawnienia roszczeń w prawie polskim. Będą miały one zastosowanie we wszystkich umowach pomiędzy polskimi kontrahentami ale także w transakcjach międzynarodowych gdy strony poddadzą umowę prawu polskiemu bądź gdy zgodnie z przepisami (Rzym


  • Aktualności

    Fight against money laundering forces banks to take drastic measures

    Banks focused on the non-resident market must close accounts of shell companies to ensure compliance with the AML law. Banks in Latvia have been on a rocky road as of late. The anti-money laundering (AML) law has thus been amended, and now explicitly prohibits banks, payment institutions, investment firms, and


  • Aktualności

    Reimbursement of Medical Devices

    A colourful bouquet of systems in CEE countries Many regulatory issues in the field of Medical Devices (MDs) are unified throughout the EU and will become even more harmonized after the entry into force of the MD Regulation. However, analysing the reimbursement systems in our CEE countries, a fascinating bouquet


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