Актуални правни теми

  • Новини

    New indemnity rules

    Czech Republic: The New Civil Code has brought a number of changes The indemnity rules contained in the new Czech Civil Code differ from the previous regime in a profound way. In the following article, we would like to


  • Новини

    Insolvency procedure after 1 Januar 2014

    Czech Republic: Concurrence of debt enforcement and insolvency proceedings An amendment to the Insolvency Act has come into force as at 1 January 2014 which represents a sweeping revision of the provisions of the Insolvency Act. In the present article, we


  • Новини

    Contractual penalties after 1 January 2014

    Czech Republic: New Civil Code brings a number of new rules concerning contractual penalties Contractual penalties remain a key instrument in motivating the obliged party in a contractual relationship to honor their contractual obligations. Agreeing


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    Do you like these premises? Buy them.

    Tenants are often interested in establishing a pre-emptive right to real estate if the landlord wishes to sell it in the future. Can a pre-emptive right be arranged not only in an alienation contract but also, for example, in a lease agreement under the Civil Code? A contractual pre-emptive right


  • Новини

    Собственост след приватизация

    България: Начин за доказване правото на собственост върху недвижим имот след приватизация Пред приватизираните предприятия в България все още се изправя необходимостта да доказват правото си на собственост върху отделни свои недвижими имоти. Така например, възможно е инвеститорът да „наследи" правен спор относно правото на собственост върху


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