Актуални правни теми

  • Новини

    The names of firms determine their fate

    Czech Republic: The rules concerning the business designation of private individuals and companies have somewhat changed under the new Civil Code. Anyone who wishes to start a business has to make a number of key decisions - and the choice of a good name for one's business certainly ranks


  • Новини

    Child allowance abroad

    Germany: It was the common understanding that the right to German child allowance depends either on place of residence or unlimited tax liability in Germany. From now on it can be sufficient just to have a second home in Germany.  The fact that EU citizens working in Germany are eligible


  • Новини

    Промени относно лекарствените продукти в хуманната медицина

    България: Нови разпоредби модифицират българските лицензионни задължения за производители и търговци на лекарства в хуманната медицина През март 2014 бе променен Законът за лекарствените средства в хуманната медицина. С оглед износа на лекарствени средства, включително при вътреобщностни доставки, бе въведена специална лицензия, както и задължение за предварително уведомяване на компетентния


  • Новини

    Uniform minimum wage from 2015

    Germany: As of January 2015 a nationwide minimum wage will come into existence. What changes to expect?  Currently there is not one minimum wage in Germany but several minimum wages for particular industry sectors. This is going to change as it is political common sense that a nationwide minimum wage


  • Новини

    Creditors, do not delay with execution!

    On 1 June 2014 an amendment to the compulsory execution rules comes into force. On 1 June 2014 an amendment to the compulsory execution rules comes into force, changing the terms and conditions for execution of financial claims. If an authorized party applies for execution more than three years from


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