Актуални правни теми

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    Reviews of public tenders now more costly

    Czech Republic: A "technical" amendment to the Public Procurement Act came into force on 6 March 2015 In response to new procurement directives (2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU), the ministry for regional development has begun work on an all-new Public Procurement Act. Although the Act is still in its nascent stage, the


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    Следдоговорна забрана за конкуренция – данъци и осигуровки

    България: Не се дължат осигуровки върху възнаграждения за въздържане от конкуренция за времето след прекратяване на трудовия договор. С редица неясноти е свързан въпросът как, от гледна точка на данъчната и осигурителната тежест, се третира случай, при който служителят получава от вече бившия работодател възнаграждение с оглед задължение


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    Towards more stringent supervision of arbitration courts

    Latvia: The Constitutional Court explains the role of general jurisdiction courts in supervising arbitrations as well as new rules for operating arbitration In a landmark ruling in the arbitration field delivered on 28 November 2014 the Latvian Constitutional Court declared that general jurisdiction courts must accept claims for review of the


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    Implementation of changes to the Public Health Service Law

    Belarus: On December 27, 2014, the Law on “Amendments to the Law on the Public Health Service of the Republic of Belarus” came into effect.  The new Law introduces a definition of “biomedical cell product (BCP)” to mean a transfer material obtained from human cells, excluding certain cells. The law creates


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    Taxation of profit shares

    Czech Republic: Payout of profit shares to non-shareholders The payout of profit shares triggers double taxation - the profit is first taxed with 19% corporate income tax on the level of the company, and then again upon distribution to the beneficiary (as a natural person), at a rate of 15%


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