Актуални правни теми

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    Промени в Закона за корпоративното подоходно облагане

    България: Облекчен ред за данъчно облагане на разходите за лично ползване на фирмени активи С ретроактивно действие към 01.01.2016  корпоративно устроени работодатели и юридическите лица, чиито съдружници и акционери упражняват личен труд, имат право на избор как да третират данъчно счетоводните разходи, свързани с използването на собствени, наети


  • Новини

    Payment in Euro? – Remember to include penalty provisions in the contract!

    Belarus: This article examines the widespread situation where a debt is owed by a Belarusian party under a contract but it is not possible to recover more than the contract price, and includes recommendations for foreign parties on how to prevent this situation. A typical scenario: a foreign company concludes an


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    Conférence bleue: Pharma survey

    bnt | attorneys-at-law in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia contribute to 2016 pharma publication “Pricing and Reimbursement Questions”. The updated 2016 conférence bleue publication “Pricing and Reimbursement Questions” was presented at the Brussels conférence bleue seminar in October 2016. The publication aims to provide a concise and practical comparative guide on


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    Archiving of the electronic official bulletin board

    Czech Republic: Administrative authorities must be able to provide ex post evidence of their proper compliance with public notification and disclosure duties All administrative authorities are required by law to put up an official bulletin board which must at all times be accessible to the general public and on which


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    Online sales reporting

    Czech Republic: On 1 September 2016, certain provisions of the Sales Records Act have come into effect (with the remainder taking effect as of 1 December 2016) In March of this year, Act No. 112/2016 Coll., the Sales Records Act, was passed, introducing the electronic (online) reporting of sales (EET).


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