Актуални правни теми

  • Новини

    Twenty + employees? From now on a Works Council is a must.

    When the average number of employees is 20 or more, the Lithuanian Labour Code sets a duty to form a Works Council.This statutory rule does not apply when a trade union operates at the level of the employer and at least one-third of all employees belong to the union. The


  • Новини

    Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius: conference bleue study on “Access to unlicensed medicines” – did you know that …?

    … although “compassionate use” programmes are in practice implemented in Lithuania, Lithuanian law does not offer a satisfactory legal basis for them but leaves many questions open, such as (i) what procedure should be followed for obtaining unlicensed medicines, or (ii) at what phase should a medicinal product be in


  • Новини

    How to establish a company in Slovakia

    Brief overview of the characteristics of a Slovak LLC (spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným, abbreviation: spol. s r.o. or s.r.o.). The most frequent company type in Slovakia is a limited liability company. It is largely popular especially because it is easy to form and requires only a


  • Новини

    Неуспешен опит за въвеждане по-нисък праг на плащанията в брой

    Таванът на плащанията в брой остава 10.000 лв. (приблизително 5.000 евро) Недоверието срещу плащанията в брой е тема, която занимава не едно национално правителство. От 2011 година в България съществува законодателно ограничение, по силата на което плащанията в брой по задължения, надвишаващи определен размер, са недопустими. Плащания


  • Новини

    Far-reaching tax reform in Latvia

    Extensive changes to personal income tax and corporate taxes. On 28 July 2017, the Latvian Parliament passed an extensive legislative package with significant changes to the tax system. The changes will come into effect on 1 January 2018; however, to some extent transition periods will last several years. Strategic objectives


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