Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    Posting of employees to Hungary

    A summary of the most important duties of the Hungarian employer Posting of workers inside the EU is – apart from unified community rules – also regulated by diverse country-specific provisions. In 2019 in Hungary violation of these rules can lead to a fine of HUF 10 000


  • Aktualności

    Currency legislation changes in Belarus

    From 1 March 2019 a set of amendments are in force to liberalize currency legislation in Belarus Registration of currency operations The new rules on currency legislation cancelled the need to obtain permission from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (the “National Bank”) to conduct currency transactions related


  • Aktualności

    New import rules. Falsified Medicines Directive in force in Lithuania

    Safety measures to prevent counterfeit medicines from reaching the consumer. Medicines circulate between EU countries without restrictions. The active substances in counterfeit medicines may be of poor quality or their quantity may be too high or too low. In order to prevent counterfeit medicinal products from entering the


  • Aktualności

    Labour law in Estonia: which is the applicable law in an international agreement?

    An agreement on the applicable law in an employment contract may be void if the employee should enjoy better conditions. The Estonian Supreme Court has ruled in a civil case on the question of the applicable law to an employment contract where the parties agreed


  • Aktualności

    New rules for garage parking spaces in residential buildings

    As of November 1, 2018, the law introduces the terms "garage in a residential building" and "parking space in a garage". The latest amendment to the Act on the Ownership of Apartments and Commercial Premises responds to the risks arising from the practice of selling parking


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