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    New EU Restructuring Directive adopted: what changes are expected?

    New EU Restructuring Directive which enters into force on 16 July 2019 aims to further increase the efficiency of restructuring procedures  On 6 June 2019 the Council of the European Union (EU) adopted new Directive 2019/1023 on preventive restructuring frameworks, on discharge of debt and disqualifications, and on measures to


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    Continuing Latvian saga of the fight against money laundering

    The Latvian government introduces further measures in its fight against money laundering by amending several acts The new government’s so-called “general overhaul” has led to further substantial and institutional changes in Latvian legislation.


  • Aktualności

    Filing documents with the court five minutes before deadline

    Electronic communication with the courts allows filing of electronic documents at the very last minute. True. But the case of a lawyer sending an appeal on the very last day at 11:55 pm had to be resolved by the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic (Nr. III. ÚS


  • Aktualności

    Changes in Real Estate law: higher lease fees, but no more cash transactions

    Latvia’s constitutional court brings back higher lease fees for real estate owners – but cash payments in real estate transactions are banned. As


  • Aktualności

    Current woes and worries of pharma producers and distributors in connection with Brexit

    The United Kingdom traditionally plays the role of the most important innovator and manufacturer of medicinal products. It is as of yet still unclear what shape Brexit will take. Under the current circumstances – in which there exists not as much as an understanding on a transitional period – the


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