Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    What will the proposal for a European Whistleblower Protection Directive bring?

    On 16 April 2019, the European Parliament passed the proposal for a directive setting out joint minimum standards and rules for the protection of persons reporting on breaches of EU law. On 16 April 2019, the European Parliament passed the proposal for a long-awaited directive in response to major events


  • Aktualności

    Employee sickness now more costly for employers in the Czech Republic

    The three-day waiting period for sick leave compensation has been abolished as of 1 July 2019, and ailing employees thus receive payments from the first day of sickness. Starting 1 July 2019, incapacitated employees again receive continued pay also during the first three days of their sick leave. Such payments


  • Aktualności

    Ten GDPR Rules for Healthcare Professionals

    Our Life Science & Pharma team from bnt Prague has prepared basic rules of conduct for all Czech doctors, physicians and healthcare professionals on how to comply with the new data protection legislation.  


  • Aktualności

    Real Estate Investments in the Czech Republic after Brexit

    Q&A on legal issues that regularly arise in the course of real estate transactions after a “hard Brexit” (a Brexit without an agreement between the UK and the EU)    Please, click on the picture below to download your pdf document.


  • Aktualności

    Neue Regeln für die Vervielfältigung von Lichtbildausweisen New rules for replica ID cards Kopiowanie dokumentów tożsamości na nowych zasadach

    Polska: Wejście w życie ustawy o dokumentach publicznych budzi obawy wielu firm przetwarzających dane osobowe. Wchodząca w życie 12 lipca 2019 roku ustawa o dokumentach publicznych wprowadza kompleksową regulację, jeśli chodzi o zasady funkcjonowania systemu bezpieczeństwa dokumentów publicznych. Nowa ustawa definiuje dokument publiczny jako dokument, który służy do identyfikacji osób, rzeczy lub potwierdza


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