Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    On 24 April Regulation (EU) 2020/561 postponed application of the MDR by one year until 26 May 2021

    The Parliament and the Council have acted with utmost speed and provided legal certainty during these exceptional circumstances. Regulation 2020/561 was adopted in less than three weeks.This quick regulatory support is outstanding, especially in the light of the limited number of notified bodies designated under the MDR and


  • Aktualności

    Slovakia: Adopting decisions in limited liability companies during the pandemic

    Does your company have an upcoming shareholders’ meeting and you want to avoid the risk of infection with COVID-19?  During the COVID-19 pandemic, companies face the question of how to implement the decision-making process of their collective bodies such as shareholders' meetings or Board of directors.


  • Aktualności

    Again new Czech entry and exit rules during the emergency

    It was on April 14, 2020 that new entry and exit rules, especially for commuters, came into force. Now, after less than two weeks, new rules came into force, which were replaced already twice; the last version is valid as of May 11, 2020. The quantity of the rules contrasts


  • Aktualności

    On the status of the Lithuanian UBO register – companies already have obligations

    A functioning transparency register is still not yet operational. An overview of what should nevertheless already be done. Following implementation of EU Directive No. 2017/1371, since 1 January 2019 every legal entity established in Lithuania must “acquire, update and store” information about its UBO(s). It was actually planned that these


  • Aktualności

    Lithuania: business support – suspension of duty to file for insolvency

    COVID-19 impact mitigation: temporary suspension of managers’ duty to file for insolvency and other protective measures. Managers must immediately initiate insolvency proceedings if their company is insolvent. Under Lithuanian law, a company is insolvent, for example, if it cannot meet its obligations when they fall due for instance, if it


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