Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    Nowe prawo holdingowe w Polsce

    Polska: Interesy i relacje w holdingu, tj. w grupie spółek w rozumieniu nowych przepisów, mają otrzymać ramy prawne. Od kilkunastu miesięcy trwają w Polsce prace nad wprowadzeniem do polskiego systemu przepisów prawa holdingowego tj. prawa


  • Aktualności

    Changes in Latvian Labour Law to enhance posted workers’ rights

    Recent changes in the Labour Law: posted workers’ rights are strengthened following implementation of EU Directive  On 5 January 2021, changes in the Labour Law to implement an EU Directive on posting of workers entered


  • Aktualności

    Changes in corporate law

    Belarus cancels restriction on participation of one-shareholder company in another one-shareholder company as well as limitation on number of CJSC shareholders Introduced in 2016, the restriction on participation of a one-shareholder company in another one-shareholder company was a hurdle, including for foreign investors who were not


  • Aktualności

    Safety requirements when parking loaded trucks in Germany

    Germany: Contractual regulations on where loaded vehicles may be parked are permissible The clause in the General Terms and Conditions of a consignor according to which loaded vehicles must be parked under surveillance or where sufficient security is guaranteed does not impose any duty of care on the carrier


  • Aktualności

    Estonia: essential amendments of bankruptcy law

    Bankruptcy proceedings more efficient in the new year On 1 February 2021, the Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act entered into force. The amendment seeks to ensure faster, more cost-effective and transparent bankruptcy proceedings and higher payments to creditors.  


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