Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    New Civil Procedure Code on the horizon

    Hungary: A modern and efficient Civil Procedure Code is in progress to ensure rapid conclusion of civil procedures Significance of the current Civil Procedure Code expressed in figures More than 200 000 civil procedures are initiated in Hungary every year. If we take into account pending procedures and cases at


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    Modifications to public procurement contracts

    Latvia: Recent changes in the Public Procurement Law set a clear framework for possibilities to amend procurement contracts after completion of the tender procedure So far the contracting authorities were very limited in the scope of modifications. This meant they were often unable to ensure economically more successful implementation of


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    Misselling – nowe przepisy

    Polska: Nowe przepisy dotyczące praktyk naruszających zbiorowe interesy konsumentów w zakresie produktów finansowych 17 kwietnia 2016 roku wchodzą w życie zmiany w prawie ochrony konkurencji i konsumentów. Nowe przepisy zakazują stosowania praktyki naruszającej zbiorowe interesy konsumentów określanej jako misselling. Przez to pojęcie należy rozumieć proponowanie konsumentom nabycia usług finansowych, które


  • Aktualności

    Common market for medicines and medical devices in the Eurasian Economic Union

    Belarus: A common market for medicines and medical devices is developing in Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Armenia. The common market for medicines and medical devices will start operating from 1 January 2016. As a result, a unified approach to regulation of circulation of medicines in the Eurasian Economic Union


  • Aktualności

    Computerised healthcare?

    Lithuania: E-prescription: greater comfort, fewer mistakes? November 2015 has brought long-awaited changes to Lithuanian healthcare systems. As of 2 November, it is possible to prescribe and use electronic prescriptions (“e-prescriptions“). In this way Lithuania stands alongside Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Estonia, which are already using the e-prescription system. E-prescriptions may be


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