Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    Tax inspectorate and social security institutional cleanup!

    Lithuania: significant increase in insolvency proceedings!In an attempt to clean the market of insolvent companies and to protect business partners and the interests of the State, the Lithuanian tax inspectorate (VMI) and the social security insurance institution (Sodra) have recently taken a much tougher approach on businesses defaulting


  • Aktualności

    Online sales of medical devices

    CEE region – full freedom due to absence of regulation? Is the medical device sector free to use the advantages of online sales in the CEE region? Or do medical devices (MD) have to be sold in specialist shops? Are online sales restricted to special types of device? Or can


  • Aktualności

    Administrative reform in Estonia

    Administrative reform is finally a reality - many addresses are changed. In 2017, Estonia fulfilled the dream of many other states in the shape of administrative reform by turning 213 local municipalities (cities and communities) into 79. In local elections on 15 October 2017 the city and community governments of


  • Aktualności

    Changes to overtime pay system

    The Latvian parliament has passed amendments giving employers alternatives for overtime pay Until 16 August 2017, overtime work in Latvia had to be paid at double the usual hourly rate. This was among the highest overtime payment rates in the EU. Overtime pay could not be replaced by time off


  • Aktualności

    “Scheduled inspections” of business entities abolished

    On January 1, 2018 a Decree changing the rules for inspections comes into force. Previously, coordination plans for monitoring inspections were made by the State Inspection Committee in order to carry out scheduled inspections for each half-year. Organizations were included in the plan depending on their degree of risk of


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