Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    GDPR is not a time bomb

    In May the new EU data protection regulation comes into force. The general data protection regulation (GDPR) coming into effect on 25 May is causing huge hype in the business world. The rumour is that the authorities will impose gigantic fines on companies once the GDPR


  • Aktualności

    Latvia gets ready for the GDPR

    Latvian Parliament passes Personal Data Processing Law at first reading. On 12 April 2018, the Latvian Parliament passed the Personal Data Processing Law at first reading. The second – and final – reading is scheduled to take place in the upcoming weeks. With this legislative act the Parliament is


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    Zakaz handlu w niedziele

    Polska: Nowe ograniczenia dla placówek handlowych – jednak z wieloma wyjątkami. Ta zasada znana w Niemczech od dziesiątek lata jest wprowadzana obecnie w Polsce: od lat 90tych w ramach wprowadzonej swobody działalności gospodarczej każdy sklep (z wyjątkiem świąt państwowych) mógł dowolnie ustalać swoje godziny pracy. Od dnia 1 marca b.r.


  • Aktualności

    Notarial certification without a notary?

    The Notarization Act and related Acts are to be amended in order to add a new ‒ remote ‒ form of notarial certification. It is no secret that Estonia is well known for her innovative solutions. Several projects have been launched in recent years creating access to state e-services for


  • Aktualności

    Non-traditional channels for retailing medical devices in Belarus

    In Belarus retail sales of medicines are restricted to pharmacies; no such ban exists in respect of medical devices. But do non-traditional channels exist for retailing medical devices in Belarus? Nowadays, new technologies and innovative business models are revolutionising most industries. E-commerce is already not new in the trade in


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