Aktualności prawne

  • Aktualności

    Binding opinions for the purposes of fast-track proceedings under the Building Act

    The inconsistent decision-making practice of the individual senates at the Supreme Administrative Court regarding the character of certain binding opinions (issued by authorities-as-stakeholders for the purposes of fast-track proceedings under the Building Act) means additional uncertainty for those who plan to erect a building.  Sec. 149 of the Code of


  • Aktualności

    Vacationing with kids after a divorce: how to proceed if you can’t agree with your ex?

    Summer holidays are coming and for some divorced parents, this time heralds fights with the ex over the possibility to take their kid on a proper vacation. If the other parent refuses to entrust you with the child for more than a weekend, what can be done? Parents have an


  • Aktualności

    The family caregiver allowance – a new form of welfare benefit

    Starting as of 1 June 2018, the Czech Social Security Administration disburses a new type of welfare benefit out of the sickness insurance scheme: a caregiver allowance which may be drawn for a period of up to 90 calendar days. Starting as of 1 June 2018, a new welfare benefit


  • Aktualności

    Rights of creditors with non-enforceable receivables and their protection

    Creditors put themselves in a weaker position towards debtors, simply by rendering advance performances to them. What are the tools available under the law with which creditors may defend themselves if their receivable is non-enforceable? The creditor renders performances to the debtor in the expectation that the debtor will repay


  • Aktualności

    Shredding (and archiving) of financial accounting records at companies

    As soon as the fiscal year is out and has been closed in accounting and tax reporting terms, one may proceed and destroy certain documents to make room in the archives. Are you on top of the mandatory archiving periods for your company's financial records? The range of archiving periods,


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