Legal news

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    Czechia: How to account for and valuate security-print valuables

    The latest International Guideline by the National Accounting Board provides helpful guidance when it comes to the accounting treatment and valuation of security-print valuable documents, including the matter of how to post certificates without a par value, what valuables may be converted to Czech currency, and how to account for


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    Czechia: Will the German Act on Due Diligence in Supply Chain Relations have impact also on Czech entities?

    The EU has been preparing new legislation on questions pertaining to supply chains with respect to (but not limited to) sustainability. A number of these rules are already in place in Germany, and may have impact on Czech entities.


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    Czechia: Putting an end to an unlawful practice? On the issue of certified translations of foreign-language enforcement titles.

    It has become standard practice over the years for Czech courts to demand that the beneficiary of an enforcement title issued in the EU first produce an official translation into Czech before issuing the court order for enforcement with a foreign element. It now appears, however, that the Brno Regional


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    Lithuania: permits process for biomedical trials

    Part 3: the legal aspects of the authorisation itself


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    Lithuania: Shareholder agreements

    Contributions to the Nomos Handbook on a very little-regulated area of the law


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