Legal news

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    Communities of heirs and European Certificates of Succession (ECS): New problems for the application of the EU Succession Regulation (Regulation (EU) 650/2012); Appeal on a point of law to the Federal Court of Justice over the issue of the entry of land plots in the ECS

    The application of the EU Succession Regulation (Regulation (EU) 650/2012) continues to be fraught with issues of disunity – most recently before the Czech land registry offices (cadastral offices) as to whether the claims vested in an ECS must be brought by all heirs within a community of heirs, or


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    Czechia: The functional currency in accounting rules as of 1 January 2024

    Business units are newly given the option to keep their accounts in a foreign currency, provided that that currency is to them what is known as 'functional currency'. What might make a company decide to change the currency in which they keep accounts?


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    Czechia: Conflict of interest and disclosure duty as captured by Czech Supreme Court case law

    What conditions must be fulfilled before the managing director of a company may enter into contracts with himself or herself on behalf of that company? What steps should managing directors take if they find themselves exposed to a conflict of interest? What does the case law of the Supreme Court


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    Czechia: On the expansion of commercial zones from the aspect of environmental impact assessments

    The fact that individual shopping centers belonging to the same commercial zone are not submitted to a comprehensive EIA procedure is not automatically a case of prohibited salami-slicing, says the Supreme Administrative Court.


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    Czechia: Concurrence of summary dismissal and notice of termination

    It has been common practice for employers to give notice of termination, "for good measure", to an employee who was already dismissed on the spot. This may however backfire.


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