bnt Events

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    Webinář | novela zákoníku práce, whistleblowing a další aktuality

    ›› Expertky na pracovní právo, Markéta Pravdová a Daniela Chvátalová z advokátní kanceláře bnt attorneys in CEE | Czechia, si pro vás připravily přehled toho nejdůležitějšího z aktuální novely zákoníku práce. ›› Upozorní také na základní povinnosti v souvislosti s požadavkem na zavedení vnitřního oznamovacího systému (whistleblowing) u společností s 50 a více


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    Webinar: Force majeure clauses in a nutshell

    Poland: bnt attorneys in CEE will host a webinar on the possibilities of changing prices and other contractual terms, based on force majeure clauses.


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    Lithuania: Invitation to business breakfast. Force majeure: lessons from Covid19 and war in Ukraine

    For quite some time contractual force majeure clauses were “just a formality” in most of the business contracts. Recent events and dynamics in court practice forces us to rethink this perspective. We invite you to discuss the latest developments and share insights on what can be done to secure your


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    Lithuania: Business breakfast. Homeoffice & Workation after Corona – What employers have to pay attention to

    After two years of the COVID19 pandemic, everyday work is gradually returning to normal. However, one “achievement” from the pandemic seems to play an essential role in the future: Work from home and Work from anywhere (workation).


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    Business breakfast. Key lessons from the latest Lithuanian and European practice on GDPR fines

    When was the last time you reviewed your internal documentation on data protection? Key lessons from the latest Lithuanian and European practice on GDPR fines.


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