Актуални правни теми

  • Новини

    Paying child support once – and thus forever?

    According to the Czech law, if you are obliged to pay child support, you will have to prepare for the possibility that the "going rate" will change over time – and not necessarily in the direction which you'd prefer. Alimonies, or child support – that is to say, the amount of


  • Новини

    Deal or no deal, Brexit is upon us…!

    On 29 March 2019, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will leave the EU. In all likelihood, this will take the form of a Hard Brexit. The Czech Republic has been trying to mitigate the consequences, at least on the level of its own country, by passing


  • Новини

    No longer suffering from headaches

    Health claims - misleading advertising of Medical Devices Health claims can be effective in advertising, especially of medical devices (MDs). Sometimes, however, they cross certain regulatory borders, which may not only attract economic damage (fines) but also result in the overall loss of hard-won customer loyalty and market confidence. Jurisdictions


  • Новини

    The business secret vs. a new database with unit prices for medicinal products

    The Czech Ministry of Health, working in tandem with the AIFP (Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry), has created a database with unit prices for drug supplies to hospitals under the direct management of the ministry. What are the consequences for drug suppliers? In recent times, the health ministry has stressed


  • Новини

    Is a business share part of the marital property?

    Does it belong to both spouses? Upon entering marriage, a so-called marital property (or joint property) is created between the spouses, unless they agree otherwise. Movable and immovable property, rights or other assets belong to both spouses. However, some property is not subject to the community


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