Актуални правни теми

  • Новини

    What will the proposal for a European Whistleblower Protection Directive bring?

    On 16 April 2019, the European Parliament passed the proposal for a directive setting out joint minimum standards and rules for the protection of persons reporting on breaches of EU law. On 16 April 2019, the European Parliament passed the proposal for a long-awaited directive in response to major events


  • Новини

    Employee sickness now more costly for employers in the Czech Republic

    The three-day waiting period for sick leave compensation has been abolished as of 1 July 2019, and ailing employees thus receive payments from the first day of sickness. Starting 1 July 2019, incapacitated employees again receive continued pay also during the first three days of their sick leave. Such payments


  • Новини

    Ten GDPR Rules for Healthcare Professionals

    Our Life Science & Pharma team from bnt Prague has prepared basic rules of conduct for all Czech doctors, physicians and healthcare professionals on how to comply with the new data protection legislation.  


  • Новини

    Real Estate Investments in the Czech Republic after Brexit

    Q&A on legal issues that regularly arise in the course of real estate transactions after a “hard Brexit” (a Brexit without an agreement between the UK and the EU)    Please, click on the picture below to download your pdf document.


  • Новини

    New rules for replica ID cards

    Poland: Entry into force of new law on public documents raises concern among companies processing personal data. The Act on Public Documents, which comes into force on 12 July 2019, introduces comprehensive regulation with regard to the principles of functioning of the public document security system. The new act defines a public document


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