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  • Новини

    Amendment to Lithuanian Labour Code: new obligation for employers

    Since 27 July 2019 employers must indicate the proposed remuneration in job advertisements After an amendment to Article 25 of the Lithuanian Labour Code (LC) came into force on 27 July 2019, employers must provide information on the amount or range of the proposed base remuneration


  • Новини

    Changes in online dispute resolution, obligation of co-operation remains

    Ministry of Innovation and Technology to provide information and help in online consumer dispute resolutions Changes of Law: On the 1st of September, 2019 amendments to Act CLV of 1997 on Consumer Protection entered into force, resulting in three main changes in the area of consumer protection:


  • Новини

    Shorter waiting times for court rulings in Poland

    Poland: Changes in civil procedure will make it easier for the parties to obtain a faster judgment and may improve commerce The changes are extensive, so we shall present here only the most interesting ones: A preparatory hearing has been introduced at which the court will try to persuade the parties


  • Новини

    Fighting for a child or „achieving your goal“ does not mean winning

    When parents of underage children divorce or break up, they all too often engage in a merciless fight over "who gets the children". This fight, however, has no winner – quite to the contrary, it may end in one of the greatest defeats in your life. Let's have a closer


  • Новини

    The truth and myths about taking vacation

    The summer holiday season is in full swing. According to the Czech Labor Code, it is the employer who determines when employees may go on vacation. However, the standard today is for employees to present the employer with their preferred vacation dates when asking to take leave. Does the employer


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