Актуални правни теми

  • Новини

    Coronavirus – a case of force majeure under German law?

    Germany: Can contractual partners invoke the Coronavirus as a case of force majeure under German law?The coronavirus - COVID 19 - is spreading nationally and internationally. Customers or suppliers are increasingly invoking force majeure as a reason for delayed calls or deliveries and are of the opinion that they are


  • Новини

    “Injury without Fault”: Lithuania strengthens patient rights Part 2

    New Lithuanian model on compensation of damages – compensation for pain and suffering and changes for health care professionals and health care organizations. As noted in Part 1 of this article, the amended Law on Patient Rights and Compensation for damages caused to someone’s health applies in Lithuania as of


  • Новини

    “Injury without Fault”: Lithuania strengthens patient rights Part 1

    New Lithuanian model on compensation of damages leaves the fault of physicians out of consideration.  1. In the past claims for compensation were seldom successful. Many claims for compensation of damage to the health of patients had little real chance of success. Patients had to provide evidence that the damage


  • Новини

    German Federal Constitutional Court extends the catalogue of human rights

    When you say euthanasia, most people in Europe think of Switzerland and Benelux. Since February, Germany has also been one step closer to euthanasia; the German Constitutional Court held the existence of the right to death and repealed a provision penalizing paid participation in suicide. The concept of euthanasia raises


  • Новини

    Digital tax in Czechia – when it can be expected and what its administration will look like?

    A grateful subject in the media recently has been the “digital” tax, also known as tax on digital services. How it will be administered and when it will be included in the Czech tax system? In January 2020, the government's bill on the tax on digital services passed its first


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