Актуални правни теми

  • Новини

    Apostilles have been discontinued in the entire EU for two years according to Regulation (EU) 2016/1191

    Since Regulation (EU) 2016 / 1191 came into force exactly two years ago (see our article: “(Partial) abolition of the apostille requirement”), on February 16, 2019, many official documents no longer require apostilles or official translations. The experience made with the new set of rules is overall positive. However, there


  • Новини

    Pravidla přicestování a vycestování v době koronaviru v ČR a v Německu

    The English version of the article will be added later.


  • Новини

    Belarus changes procedure for VAT deduction on import and realization of medical products

    A VAT rate of 10% applies to import and realization of medicines and medical devices From 1 January 2021 a VAT rate of 10% applies to import and realization of medicines and medical devices in Belarus (previously they were exempt from VAT). A


  • Новини

    Minimum wage in the Czech Republic to be raised again in 2021

    The minimum wage for 2021 is set at CZK 15,200 – i.e., CZK 600 more than the year before. The minimum hourly wage will rise to CZK 90.50. The increase of the minimum wage goes hand in hand with the lowest level of what is known as the guaranteed wage


  • Новини

    Loss of legal use title to premises does not necessitate the deletion of the company’s seat from the Commercial Register in the Czech Republic

    The fact that a company no longer has proper legal grounds to use the premises where its seat is installed, does not trigger the obligation to request the deletion (or change) of the address of the company’s seat which is registered in the Commercial Register. The complainants, as the owners


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