Актуални правни теми

  • Новини

    Remuneration of Managing Directors, BoD Members, and Supervisory Board Members

    Czech Republic: The new Corporations Act, has brought major changes to the legal framework within which the elected bodies of corporations are being remunerated. In the opinion of a majority of experts, an incumbency agreement (manager agreement) ought to be concluded if the person acting in the office of managing


  • Новини

    Duty to disclose company particulars on the internet

    Czech Republic: All joint-stock companies must create their own website and post mandatory data on that site as stipulated by the law - e.g. invitations to the general meeting or their financial statements. As of 1 January 2014, the Corporations Act requires all joint-stock companies to create a company website


  • Новини

    Loan interest

    Czech Republic: How to properly reduce one's tax base using loan interest Tax payers who make use of a loan under a contract with a building loan society or a mortgage-backed bank loan to finance their personal housing needs are entitled, under the Czech Income Tax


  • Новини

    EU funding vs. VAT deduction

    Lithuania: Even though a new EU funding period began, some undisclosed tax-related problems still remain, e. g. deduction of input VAT. Even though a new European Union (EU) funding period began in 2014 (one of its priority areas is business support), some undisclosed tax-related problems still remain. One of these


  • Новини

    Guidelines on business partners

    Lithuania: Tax authority issued guidelines on the reliability of new business partners due to VAT violations. On 25 February 2014, the State Tax Inspectorate under the Lithuanian Ministry of Finance (STI) issued guidelines on the reliability of new business partners. The STI listed criteria to be taken into account when


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