Актуални правни теми

  • Новини

    Changes to Tax Law

    Belarus: Changes to the Belarusian Tax Code have been introduced. From 1 July 2016 VAT payers (except foreign companies not registered with the tax authorities in Belarus) must issue electronic invoices. Sellers and buyers will exchange electronic documents through the Web portal for electronic invoicing (‘Web portal’), which is a data resource


  • Новини

    Travel time is working time

    Germany: If an employee does not have a fixed place of work, then travel time from home to the working location is regarded as working time. Companies that have employees without a fixed place of work face higher costs. For example, this applies to companies whose employees work as service


  • Новини

    A new framework for consumer credit

    Czech Republic: The new Consumer Credit Act improves the position of the borrower and imposes more stringent conditions on the lender The House of Deputies is currently debating the bill for a new Consumer Credit Act which seeks inter alia the implementation into national law of Directive 2014/17/EU on credit


  • Новини

    Defective arbitration awards and the res judicata doctrine

    Czech Republic: Supreme Court decision on how to proceed in the case of a wrongful arbitration award Even previously, Supreme Court case law clearly allowed for the conclusion that an arbitration clause is invalid if it does not determine a specific arbitrator (or body of arbitration) but instead merely refers


  • Новини

    Acquisition of ownership title from a non-entitled seller

    Czech Republic: Both Civil Code and case law allow for the acquisition of ownership rights from a non-entitled party Current Czech law, as embodied in the "New Civil Code" (Act No. 89/2012) in force since 1 January 2014, allows for the bona fide acquisition of ownership of real property from


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