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  • Новини

    Privacy Shield instead of Safe Harbor

    Czech Republic: Privacy Shield: the new framework for the transfer of personal data from the EU to the U.S. In the wake of the ECJ decision of 6 October 2015, which put an end to the free transfer of personal data to the U.S. on the basis of the Safe


  • Новини

    Does beauty really lie in simplicity?

    From 1 January 2017, the so-called simple share company will be introduced in Slovakia. The call for changes in entrepreneurship has been answered. The decision to create a new form of company aims to offer a complex solution for risk investment, especially in connection with the start-up phenomenon. A simple


  • Новини

    Enforcement inscription as a new tool for debt collection in Belarus

    Belarus: Since August 2015 legislation allows creditors, including foreign creditors, to recover debts by means of an enforcement inscription.  An enforcement inscription is issued by a notary public in cases where a debt arises from a specified range of most common commercial contracts subject to a written acknowledgement of the debt


  • Новини

    Minimum wage – taking into account vacation pay and Christmas bonus

    Germany: Special payments, such as vacation pay and Christmas bonus can – under certain conditions – be taken into account when calculating the minimum wage. German courts are ever busier clearing up open questions with regard to the minimum hourly wage of EUR 8.50, in force since 2015. The Federal


  • Новини

    Coordinated Procedure

    Czech Republic: May prospective building owners finally hope for an easier permission procedure and construction schedule? The ministry for regional development has drafted a major amendment to the Building Act, with the primary goal to simplify and speed up approval/permission procedures. For this reason, the amendment introduces, among other things,


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