Актуални правни теми

  • Новини

    Changes in the Commercial Code – what do we have to prepare for?

    Another amendment to the Commercial Code is in the works. Here is an overview of the most important proposed changes. Appointment as a statutory representative or member of the supervisory body will require the written consent of the individual concerned. The so-called “piercing the corporate veil” principle is introduced. This


  • Новини

    Application of GTC to international Contracts

    GTC in a foreign language only apply if referred to in negotiations and contract language.Companies wishing to apply their General Terms and Conditions (GTC) to cross-border contracts are well advised to provide the GTC in the language they use in negotiations and contracts and to attach them when concluding


  • Новини

    More efficient resolution of labour disputes in Estonia

    More cases to be resolved by labour dispute committee Practice in recent years has highlighted the need to create uniform and modern regulation of the procedure for resolving labour disputes. The new regulation is intended to close gaps in the incomplete and outdated current regulation. Generally, the employee and employer


  • Новини

    New European Rules on Data Protection – GDPR

    The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) comes into force on 25 May 2018. Does your business process any personal data such as names, birth dates, photos, email addresses, social network profiles, location details, computer IP addresses biometric or other sensitive data? If the answer is “YES”, GDPR compliance shall be


  • Новини

    Speech is silver, silence is golden, or: where are the limits to legitimate criticism of an employer?

    Against the backdrop of a legal conflict over a claim for nullity of summary dismissal from employment, the Czech Supreme Court laid down the criteria for what constitutes legitimate criticism of an employer by an employee. Failure to observe these criteria may constitute a breach of the obligation never to


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