Актуални правни теми

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    Провеждане на клинични изпитвания на медицински изделия в страните от Централна и Източна Европа

    Основни характеристики на регулаторната рамка на клиничните изпитвания Основното предназначение на клиничните изпитвания на Медицински изделия (“Клинични изпитвания”) е да се потвърди, че при нормални условия на употреба, Медицинското изделие („МИ“) изпълнява една или повече от функциите, определени от производителя и да се идентифицират нежелани странични


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    Entry of land plots in a European Certificate of Succession issued in Germany

    First practical experiences with German-issued European Certificates of Succession are disappointing in the Czech Republic. The European Certificate of Succession, introduced by Regulation (EU) 650/2012, will simplify legal transactions pertaining to matters of inheritance among EU member states and can be used as proof of inheritance law with authorities, banks,


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    Arbitration by Estonian bailiffs and bankruptcy trustees

    The Estonian Chamber of Bailiffs and Trustees in Bankruptcy begins work as an arbitration court. Throughout our life we enter into diverse legal relations. Unfortunately, not all these legal relations proceed smoothly and often we have to deal with differences and violations of rights. If the parties fail to reach


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    E-Procurement: transition to compulsory electronic procurement

    The electronic public procurement system (EDF) is in force from 15 April 2018   Harmonisation background: In accordance with EU directives, each Member State should ensure electronic communication in public procurement by 18 October 2018. By implementing the EDF, Hungary fulfils this expectation. It should be emphasized, however, that the law on public procurement


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    A1 certification – limited binding effect

    The ECJ has confirmed that the binding effect of A1 posting certificates does not apply without restrictions.   If the social authority of one Member State issues an A1 posting certificate for an employee, the social authorities of the other Member States are bound by the content of this


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