КОРПОРАТИВНО ПРАВО, СЛИВАНИЯ И ПРИДОБИВАНИЯ, корпоративно дело, сливания и придобивания, Compliance, съвместни предприятие, Конкурентно и антитръст право, Правни задължения на управителните органи и на собствениците на капитала в моменти на криза, Правна рамка на поддържане на капитала, Предпоставки и рискове на фактическото управление, Сливания и придобивания на свръхзадължени дружества, НЕДВИЖИМИ ИМОТИ, Commercial, manufacturing and service industry real estate users, Покупко-продажба, инвестиции на зелена поляна, Недвижими имоти – управление и наем, Проекти за реструктуриране на недвижими имущества, ТРУДОВО ПРАВО, Employment contracts, remuneration and retirement benefits, Защита на личните данни, Колективно договаряне, Termination of employment, mass redundancies, Трудовоправни спорове, Прехвърляне на служители при сделки по сливане и придобиване
английски, френски, румънски
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Webinar: Mobbing at the workplace. Practical aspects for employers
Romania: Webinar: Mobbing at the workplace. Practical aspects for employers
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas