Pavel Pravda
Of Counsel
bnt attorneys in CEE
CZ - 11000 Praha 1
Czech Republic
CZ - 11000 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Of Counsel
CORPORATE AND M&A, Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions, Compliance, Joint Ventures, Privatization, Competition and anti-trust law, INSOLVENCY AND RESTRUCTURING, Pre-insolvency protection of creditors’ rights, Creating insolvency-remote collateral, Representing creditors in insolvency proceedings, Pre-insolvency debt restructuring, Legal duties of company bodies and shareholders in crisis, Capital maintenance regulations, Joint liability within a group, Prerequisites and risks of de-facto management, M&A of distressed companies
Czech, English, German
Various publications regarding Czech corporate and energy law
Czech Republic
Charles University in Prague, Law Faculty (Mgr.)
University of Passau (Germany), Law Faculty
Česká advokátní komora (Czech Bar Association
DTIHK (German-Czech Chamber of Commerce)
HST Chamber of Commerce Switzerland – Czech Republic
05.02.2014 |
Sea change in Czech law
Sea change in Czech law