CORPORATE ORAZ M&A, Prawo spółek, M&A, Compliance, Projekty Joint Venture, Prawo konkurencji i antymonopolowe, Prawne obowiązki organów i wspólników spółki w kryzysie, Ochrona kapitału, Podmioty faktycznie zarządzające-cechy i ryzyka, Nabycie spółek o słabej kondycji finansowej, NIERUCHOMOŚCI, Commercial, manufacturing and service industry real estate users, Kupno / Sprzedaż, Inwestycje typu greenfield, Zarządzanie i najem nieruchomości, Restrukturyzacja projektów nieruchomościowych, PRAWO PRACY, Employment contracts, remuneration and retirement benefits, Ochrona danych, Układy zbiorowe pracy, Termination of employment, mass redundancies, Spory pracownicze, Zmiana pracodawcy w ramach połączenia spółek
Angielski, Francuski, Rumuński
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Webinar: Mobbing at the workplace. Practical aspects for employers
Romania: Webinar: Mobbing at the workplace. Practical aspects for employers
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas