Legal news

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    Czechia: Vacation entitlement under the “DPP” and “DPČ” alternative working arrangements as of 1 January 2024

    In the wake of an amendment to the Labor Code, effective as of 1 January 2024, employees will newly gain a title to vacation also if they entered into a so-called agreement to complete a job or an agreement for the performance of services, on the same terms as those


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    Czechia: Does the landlord have to pay compensation for an inherited customer base?

    When the (then) new Civil Code introduced the legal concept, in 2014, of a compensation owed for inheriting the customer base of a previous tenant, this gave rise to a number of questions, especially among landlords. At least one of those questions has recently been given a definite answer by


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    Lithuania: Claims by a manager against his company in the case of his dismissal

    Rude awakening for the company if a manager's annual leave is not properly documented


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    Lithuania: A ‘blocked account’, a more effective implementation of the subsistence requirements for immigrants

    Currently, the requirement to possess sufficient means of subsistence for the duration of one’s stay in Lithuania is only very formally implemented


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    Lithuania: Biomedical research authorisation process

    2. Part: Biomedical studies


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