Legal news

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    Romania: Implementation and operation of the support mechanism through contracts for difference for low carbon emissions technologies

    Recently, on 10 April 2024, Government Decision 318/2024 on the approval of the general framework for the implementation and operation of the support mechanism through contracts for difference for low carbon emission technologies ("General Framework") entered in force, through which the Ministry of Energy develops or grants support


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    Slovakia: Domain Name Dispute Resolution in Slovakia

    Domain Name as an Intellectual Property Right in Slovakia?


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    Czechia: Digitalization of labor law: Electronic service of process by the employer

    A view at the new requirements for the successful electronic delivery of notices to the employee by the employer.


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    Czechia: A brief overview of Czech law of succession

    Current Czech inheritance law is governd by the Czech Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll.), i.e., specifically, in Sec. 1475 – 1720, as part of the law of property.


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    Czechia: Tenant’s liability for flooded apartment as per a recent Supreme Court decision

    The Supreme Court has dealt with the case of a tenant who was held liable for the damage caused to an apartment because of a burst washbasin valve.


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