Právní novinky

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    Occupational health service, once again…

    Amendment to public health act introduces new duties; employers to survey employee health. The act on protection, support and development of public health was finally amended on 25 June 2014. This should ensure health surveillance for all employees, regardless of their arrangement into risk categories. The amendment obliges employers to


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    As of 1 July the new Economic Activities Code Act is in force in Estonia

    Estonia: Freedom of economic activity regulated by law for the first time.  On 1 July 2014 the General Part of the Economic Activities Code Act („the Act") entered into force in Estonia. Freedom of economic activity in Estonia – i.e. the freedom to start, operate and terminate economic activity in any


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    Fewer obligations for employers

    Lithuania: Labour law reforms reduce administrative workload. As of 1 July 2014 an amendment to the Lithuanian labour code applies to reduce administrative costs for employers and leave them bigger scope in labour related matters and agreements with employees. From now on, the employer's obligation to maintain a register of


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    New incentive for free movement within EU

    Lithuania: New Directive on supplementary pension rights is probably the first incentive to overcome free movement-related problems. Free movement of persons and free movement of capital are among the basic freedoms established in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Free movement of persons should be understood as


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    Jak svolat valnou hromadu společností s ručením omezeným a akciových společností

    Czech Republic: Od 1. ledna 2014 došlo ke změně úpravy svolávání valné hromady Zákon o obchodních korporacích, který nabyl účinnosti dne 1. ledna 2014, klade nové požadavky na obsah pozvánky na valnou hromadu společností s ručením omezeným a akciových společností, v případě akciových společností i na


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