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    Changes to Polish construction law

    Major simplifications to the Polish construction law will make life easier for builders Work on a thorough reconstruction of the Polish construction and zoning legal system has been ongoing since 2012. The plan has been to introduce a single comprehensive town planning and construction code to replace the numerous acts


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    Important Estonian medical law news

    Estonia: On 1 March 2015 a new law regulating organ donation entered into force in Estonia.  The new “Handling and Transplantation of Cells, Tissues and Organs Act” replaced the old law with the same name on March 1st 2015. For the sake of clarity, we call


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    Přezkum veřejných zakázek se prodraží

    Czech Republic: Dne 6. března 2015 nabyla účinnosti „technická“ novela zákona o veřejných zakázkách. V návaznosti na nové zadávací směrnice (2014/24/EU a 2014/25/EU) zahájilo Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj práce na zcela novém zákonu o veřejných zakázkách. Ačkoliv je nový zákon o veřejných zakázkách stále ve stadiu příprav, je vliv zadávacích


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    Postcontractual non-compete clause – taxes and SSC

    Bulgaria: No social security contributions are due for financial compensation resulting from a post-contractual non-compete clause. How to treat a situation in which an employee receives financial compensation because of a post-contractual non-compete clause included in their employment agreement? A frequently arising question is whether tax


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    Towards more stringent supervision of arbitration courts

    Latvia: The Constitutional Court explains the role of general jurisdiction courts in supervising arbitrations as well as new rules for operating arbitration In a landmark ruling in the arbitration field delivered on 28 November 2014 the Latvian Constitutional Court declared that general jurisdiction courts must accept claims for review of the


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