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    Avoid combined “actions” of director and proxy

    Are contracts in your company signed by the director and the proxy together? German entrepreneurs who are active in Slovakia through their daughter companies often wish this combined “representation” of the company by a director together with the proxy. Both legal systems differentiate between acting on behalf of the company


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    Německá minimální mzda komplikuje podnikání

    Czech Republic: Prvního ledna 2015 vstoupil v Německu v účinnost zákon o minimální mzdě (MiLoG) Prvního ledna 2015 vstoupil v Německu v účinnost zákon o minimální mzdě (MiLoG), který, až na drobné výjimky, zavádí minimální hodinovou mzdu ve výši 8,50 EUR pro všechny pracující, kteří vykonávají svou práci v Německu.


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    Bonus-malus system and other changes in Slovak insurance

    On 3 February 2015, the Slovak National Council passed a new insurance act. On 3 February 2015, the Slovak National Council passed a new insurance act which introduces several changes for both insurers and insured. In line with current European legislation the act introduces new economic


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    More tax transparency in the construction field!

    Lithuania: Starting 1 July 2015 new amendments to the value added tax (VAT) law come into force whereby taxable persons (VAT payers) will have to withhold and pay VAT on construction services. This means that the construction service provider will receive payment for services without VAT and the purchaser of


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    EKAER goes live as of 1st March

    Hungary: The grace period has ended and the tax office can sanction those who do not comply with the reporting obligation  Despite the objections of multiple professional organizations and despite many legal interpretation issues still open, the new


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