Právní novinky

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    Do you have to disclose the beneficial owner of your company?

    Following amendments to the law, the Enterprise Register now requires disclosure of company beneficial owners. Under the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, corporate clients of banks regularly have to disclose their actual beneficial owner in order to open a bank account. In light of


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    Extension of recourse liability in the B2B area

    Recourse liability along the supply chain will be extended due to implementation of European case law in the area of supplementary performance. At the turn of the year, the case law of the European Court of Justice (C 65/09) comes into force, so that a seller might have to reimburse


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    Nová povinnost evidence skutečných majitelů právnických osob a svěřenských fondů

    Od 1. ledna 2018 mají právnické osoby a svěřenské fondy povinnost zapsat své skutečné majitele do neveřejné evidence vedené u rejstříkových soudů. Pro právnické osoby a svěřenské fondy byly v souvislosti s bojem Evropské unie proti legalizaci výnosů z trestné činnosti a financování terorismu zavedeny nové povinnosti. Od 01.01.2018 budou


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    Changes in cross border insolvency proceedings

      Facilitation of the enforcement of creditors’ claims, more effective procedure On June 26 2017, new EU Regulation 2015/848 entered into force. This has brought about significant changes in Hungarian cross-border insolvency proceedings. The main purpose of the Regulation is to simplify enforcement of creditors’ claims and to


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    Limiting purchase of agricultural land: not in line with EU law

    Following reform of the law on land privatization, the rights of EU citizens to purchase land in Latvia continue to be restricted, in violation of EU law. A detailed analysis has now been published in the legal periodical Agrar- und Umweltrecht 12/2017 by authors Mayr/Daniels/Klauberg of bnt Riga. The law


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